Daily Archives: November 30, 2010

As I wend my way through the greater web I am introduced to new people, new ideas, new words. Each of these expands my horizons and my life just a bit more. For each I am thankful.

So on this last day of November 2010 I decided to look up a word I see at the end of each of LouCeel‘s posts. I “met” Lou through the 100 Words project. He is a fellow poster and I always look forward to his take on the word prompt of the week.

I’d wondered what the word at the end of each post meant, but never used my fav search tool . . . until this morning.

The word? Ndinombethe
According to another blogger’s site:


[African proverb] (pronounced “in-day-nom-bay-tay”)
Translation: “As I go, I am wearing you.” Referring to the indelible handprint we leave on the lives of others as we cross paths, whether intended or accidental.

I may not use the word again – may not even think of the word itself – but I will enjoy the meaning of it. Each person I have met on my treks across the internet have left of piece of themselves in me. Some of those pieces have had to be tucked deep inside and away because they were jagged and rough and hurtful. Those I choose to leave in their hidden places in order to protect me and those around me.

But the others? Those are the ones who have shared their lives with me and in the sharing have made a real indelible print on my innermost being. Thank you for that. I hope to someday meet you. That seems unlikely given the distance (in miles) between us. Nevertheless, it is a desire of mine.

Many of you no longer post on the blogs you still have in your names – I tend to keep them on my linky list – just in case – but fb has taken over where ms never could. I see you there – know you are still kicking and living it up. You are still touching me and I carry you with me.

And, now I add Glen to that imprint. Only I cannot leave a message on the site (not a team member). This is what I would like to say to him, should he pass by my way:

Thank you, Glen. I found your piece while googling the word you so aptly describe.

What a gorgeous idea – leaving a mark on someone’s life and carrying them with you forever. You have now left a mark within me and I will carry it onward.


And, thank you, Lou, for introducing me to the word.

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Lisa continued her count. The words were from her favorite Dr. Seuss book and she was proud to have learned most of it by heart.

Here’s one for you, Dolly. And, here’s another for you Mr. Bear. I love our tea parties, don’t you? Here, let me pour you another cup of tea.

Hoppity! Miss Jingles! Come to the table now. It’s time for tea.

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

Downstairs in the kitchen Papa lifted the lid of the box and asked, “Did they forget the anchovies again?”


This week’s 100 Word Prompt is ANCHOVIES from Chapter 6 of Ernest Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden.

Isn’t it time for YOU to try one of these challenges? 🙂