One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish

Lisa continued her count. The words were from her favorite Dr. Seuss book and she was proud to have learned most of it by heart.

Here’s one for you, Dolly. And, here’s another for you Mr. Bear. I love our tea parties, don’t you? Here, let me pour you another cup of tea.

Hoppity! Miss Jingles! Come to the table now. It’s time for tea.

One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

Downstairs in the kitchen Papa lifted the lid of the box and asked, “Did they forget the anchovies again?”


This week’s 100 Word Prompt is ANCHOVIES from Chapter 6 of Ernest Hemingway’s The Garden of Eden.

Isn’t it time for YOU to try one of these challenges? 🙂

4 responses

  1. Nicollette says:

    I enjoyed this! Its very sweet and funny–reminds me of my little mock tea parties as a kid. Although, I often stole fresh biscuits from the kitchen instead of anchovies. 🙂

  2. Of COURSE they forgot the anchovies! Even the pizza guys know they don’t belong on pizza. It’s like a sacrilege or something.

  3. barbara says:

    no . . . the little girl was giving them to her tea party guests. 🙂

  4. Tara R. says:

    hahaha! This was so cute!

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