Pot bellied pig!

Bull headed prig!

Lazy sum-bitch!

What makes him think he knows so durned much anyways?

Why, if they’da let ME do the job, I’da . . .

Drives around in his fancy pimp mobile of a car – thinks he’s better’n all of us

The grumbles centered on the most recent town meeting. No stuffy brick and mortar, fancy schmancy ivied hall Рthis meeting of the minds was carried out over coffee at the greasy-spoon caf̩ on Main St.

The Coffee Table meeting commenced.

Hizzoner the mayor stepped on toes that day and this crowd was having none of it.

Written for Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge: Honor.

I think every town must have this group of men – they come in different sizes and shapes, but they all gather around a table come Saturday morning to cuss and discuss the latest hijinks of the mayor and legislators. This is a glimpse into small town Kenai.

8 responses

  1. Teresa says:

    Good job…I think every town has a group like this. I know ours does! LOL

  2. Love it. I’m from a small town in Vermont, and it wasn’t quite like this, but to this day there are still town meetings on a regular basis. I do love Vermont’s politics though.

  3. June says:

    I think I know these people! Haha! Good take.

  4. Tara R. says:

    I’ve reported from these kitchen table meetings before. You nailed it… a prefect description and dialog.

  5. Mama Zen says:

    Could be a small town anywhere. Love it!

  6. Lance says:

    I felt like I was reading a scene from Our Town or something. That’s a compliment. I really liked the setting and characters.

  7. Deana says:

    I really enjoyed this! I deal with people like this on a daily basis!

  8. Our town definitely has the “coffee drinkers” who meet every morning in the local cafe to complain about everything. Nice job capturing that flavor.

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