Kendall shook. Her knees were knocking against each other and she felt like her heart was going to burst from her chest it was beating so hard.

Mama had told her to focus on her shoes. They were new, pink and black high tops and Kendall loved them. “They’ll help you remember what comes next if you get stuck,” Mama told her.

Taking a deep breath, she sat up straighter and tried to pay attention to what was going on around her. Her name was called.

Kendall Brown, your word is “gratuitous.”

“Could you use it in a sentence, please?”

Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word challenge this week is gratuitous This is one take on the word. Check out the other 100 word entries to read more.

6 responses

  1. evenstarwen says:

    You have me cheering for Kendall, my heart pounding along with hers. I know how she feels.

    Good one, Barbara. 🙂

  2. June says:

    Very good! You can totally visualize it! I read this and remembered spelling contests I had been in. Thankfully, they were written! Even got to the state fair once as a kid. Didn’t place. How the heck is a middle-schooler in the ’60’s supposed to know how to spell “per diem?????”

  3. Sharon says:

    Totally different spin! Love your originality.

  4. Tara R. says:

    Great take on the theme! You did a wonderful job building the tension.

  5. Teresa says:

    Been there, done that. You captured the moment SO well!!!

  6. d’awwww. I was in a spelling bee once. Oh the pressure! Kind of ridiculous when you think about it, though I will say that the ability to spell has served me well in life in that it’s saved me boatloads of time.

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