The following is in response to Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge: Distance.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi


One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three


Sally and David huddled closer together as the Booms came.

“I’m afraid, Sally.”

“Shh, it’s going to be okay, David. I’m here. Just hold my hand and help me count. It’ll be all over soon.”

One Mississippi, two Missi-

“Sally! Please make it stop.”

David and Sally huddled deeper into the closet. Sally knew if they could wait, the distance between booms would get closer and it would soon be over. Mommy’s boyfriend would get tired of hitting her leaving them all in peace.

One Mississippi, two

Tonight I attended a Candlelight Vigil honoring those who have been affected by domestic violence and sexual assault. I lit a candle in memory and honor of my mother who was a victim. April is also her birth month and she would have been 93 years old. I write this piece in her memory – and in the memory of my sister who huddled with me each time our father chose to batter our mother. Time is a great healer and understanding is a great distance breaker.

12 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    I cannot fathom what is in someone’s mind who can be so cruel to another person, to a whole family.

    This was a heartbreaking look at how domestic abuse affects the children.

  2. AuroraLee says:

    Powerful piece. Starts off and I think it’s a cute story about children scared of a storm… major shock as the reader realizes just what kind of storm it is.

    Excellent work. If only all these stories were fiction…

  3. Lance says:


    The emotional intensity was amazing. Super work.

  4. Wow, that took a shocking turn but it was awesomely done! I thank God everyday that I haven’t been in that situation and pray for those that are. Stop in & read Go the Distance

  5. Oh wow…I thought it was a storm…and not of the sort it turned out to be! Great job…very emotional.

  6. Beautiful and heartbreaking. Thought it was a thunderstorm, too.

  7. Michael says:

    Unbelievably good. A twist worthy of O’Henry. Heartbreaking, but well crafted.

  8. Very powerful and riveting. The raw emotion is overwhelming.
    Stopping by from the 100 word challenge.

  9. Karin says:

    This is heartbreaking. I had goosebumps at the end!

  10. I also thought it was a thunderstorm. Nicely done, although the subject is heartbreaking. I’m sure your mother would be proud of you and all you are doing.

  11. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  12. So terribly sad. Children should never have to experience this. Thank you for sharing.

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