This is another response to VV’s 100 Word Challenge: Bathed.
Annie’s hair shone in the sunlight. The sounds of children playing brought dimples to her face, joy to her heart.

“Cinderella dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss her fellow.”

“Mama, the kids bothering you?” asked Rilla.

Annie shook her head and took a roll from her tray with shaking hands.

“I was startled when I walked in and saw you bathed in the sun. You’re just like an angel rocking there. I love you, Mama. I will miss you when you leave us.”

Annie patted Rilla’s hand, another smile crinkling her eyes. “I know, child. I love you, too.”

3 responses

  1. Aw heck. Another heart-wrenching piece.

  2. Beautiful and sad all at the same time!

  3. Tara R. says:

    This was so sweet. It reminded me of my grandmother.

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