you can see forever – or so it seems. Today was what may be the last of our clear blue skied – HOT – days. (temps on one of the flashing signs at 5 tonight said 77 degrees!!!!!)

So, while at lunch I got a couple of shots from the top of the bluff overlooking Cook Inlet.

Not quite as crowded as the weekend, but there are still a LOT of people dipnetting for red salmon down there on the beach. And, I love the commercial boat coming in, too. There was a whole line of boats making their way in from the fishing grounds.

Here’s a shot of Mt. Redoubt overlooking the crowd. Mt. Iliamna was also beautifully visible today.

Tonight, however, the clouds have rolled in. We are expecting a chance of showers tonight and for the next several days. It’s been a nice, long haul of great weather, so rain should be a nice change.