Monthly Archives:September 2011

The raging storm caused by their boss left everyone shell-shocked. The office grew quiet; the only sound the clicking of manicured nails on keyboards. Rita thought she might have heard a sniffle or two.

She had lived through a BAD (with capital letters) marriage and a follow-up BAD relationship. She thought she’d never have to go through such firestorms again; certainly not in the workplace.

She quietly began packing her meager belongings; pictures of her kids mostly. There’s no reason to continue to occupy space in a place that shows no respect. Her resignation in hand, Rita entered her supervisor’s office.
Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge this week is OCCUPY. These are my thoughts on that.

They looked at each other – he with open admiration; she from beneath downcast eyes. He was a wolf on the prowl. She was the prey, shy and unsure of herself.

This was her first time on the dating scene in nearly 30 years. Such things had seemed easier when she was in her youth – before the marriage, the children, the house, cars, and 401Ks. Before the divorce – the other woman – the bitter irony of a misspent middle age.

She caught his glance again, shrugged off her inhibitions and raised her eyes to meet his smile. “Hi there, my name is Diane.”
This week VV’s 100 Word Challenge is INHIBITION. Check out the other entries, won’t you?

She closed her eyes as Dr. Strohman probed gently. This was always the hard part; the reason she had bounced from counselor to counselor. She let them in just so far and then slammed the door.

Dr. Strohman was different. Her questions never felt invasive; almost as if she really cared what was said – as if the patient were as valuable as all the certificates hanging on the walls.

“Take your time,” Dr. Strohman repeated. “Tell me about your parents.”

“Daddy named me. He always said I was his little whimsy. Mother always called me her biggest mistake.”

This is in answer to the 100 Word Challenge by Velvet Verbosity. Be sure to check out the other entries. There are some gifted Word Nerds over there.

Auntie Ellen’s rich contralto voice echoed through the lane:
Though the angry surges roll
On my tempest driven soul

Gracie bobbed her head and hummed along as they walked toward town. She loved helping Auntie Ellen with her chores even though Mama did not entirely approve such manual labor for her daughter. Today Mama was in bed with one of her spells, setting Gracie free to be with her “Auntie.”

“Storm’s a-comin’, Gracie. But don’t you be afraid, chile. He’s watchin’over us.”

“I know, Auntie.”

They linked arms and sang together as they walked.
I’ve an anchor safe and sure

Lyrics from My Anchor Holds
Words: William C. Martin
Music: Daniel B. Towner