The raging storm caused by their boss left everyone shell-shocked. The office grew quiet; the only sound the clicking of manicured nails on keyboards. Rita thought she might have heard a sniffle or two.

She had lived through a BAD (with capital letters) marriage and a follow-up BAD relationship. She thought she’d never have to go through such firestorms again; certainly not in the workplace.

She quietly began packing her meager belongings; pictures of her kids mostly. There’s no reason to continue to occupy space in a place that shows no respect. Her resignation in hand, Rita entered her supervisor’s office.
Velvet Verbosity’s 100 Word Challenge this week is OCCUPY. These are my thoughts on that.

5 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    Good for Rita, taking back control and not putting up with the rages.

  2. I hope Rita buys herself something nice on the way home. 🙂

  3. Robin Hawke says:

    The storm is important, deserves a stronger sentence–“raging storm” vs. “that had raged”. Makes a tough rewrite, but once you get that sentence those clicks and sniffles will feel even more powerful.

    Great idea. Robin

  4. Stella says:

    I hope she manages to find another job!

  5. You go Rita! “Take this job and shove it.”

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