They looked at each other – he with open admiration; she from beneath downcast eyes. He was a wolf on the prowl. She was the prey, shy and unsure of herself.

This was her first time on the dating scene in nearly 30 years. Such things had seemed easier when she was in her youth – before the marriage, the children, the house, cars, and 401Ks. Before the divorce – the other woman – the bitter irony of a misspent middle age.

She caught his glance again, shrugged off her inhibitions and raised her eyes to meet his smile. “Hi there, my name is Diane.”
This week VV’s 100 Word Challenge is INHIBITION. Check out the other entries, won’t you?

6 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    Good for Diane! At this time in my life, the very thought of having to get back into the dating scene is enough to send me into a padded room.

  2. mish says:

    Way to go girl ! I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to get back into the dating scene after 30 odd years ? Daring Diane !

  3. Robin Hawke says:

    Seems like wolves never change…nor do first nights!


  4. barbara says:

    oh, I am with you, Tara . . . I would be back pedaling so hard!

    And, Robin . . . yup. The more things change the more they stay the same.

  5. Arctic Wren says:

    I think that the situation may be the same, but the outcome will be quite different…. some life lessons can’t just be sidestepped. Hopefully Diane will not be regretting “the morning after”!

  6. I’ve heard it told that the blush of new love can happen at any age.

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