Daily Archives: December 4, 2011

I am not sure WHO decided that with December should come rain and thawing temperatures. It has been hovering in the high 20s – mid 30s all week. Today? 41 degerees and raining in town at 7 a.m. Bizarre.

Of course with the rain comes thawing and compacting of our snow . . . and lots of standing water. I know full well that the city will be by tomorrow sometime – probably just about the time I want to leave for work – to plow the road and will leave a huge, icy berm for us to deal with. I’m having enough trouble getting into and out of the driveway now with all the slushy ruts. The other thing that will happen is the wind that is kicking up out there right now will blow away all the clouds and we will go back into the deep freeze. Frozen ruts are NOT fun to maneuver through.

So – out I go with old clothes, my old motorcycle boots (winter boots? nahhhhhhh) and work on the lower part of the driveway. Ugh! Heavy stuff it is, too. Got most of the area behind my car shoveled down almost the gravel and decided it was time to take a break. Grab some water, transfer stuff from the dryer to hangers and put in a load of towels – oh, and chat here as well.

I have a pot of tater soup on the stove to fortify myself before going back out. Not sure if I will get Hubby-Moose’s side of the driveway done, but he has a bigger vehicle that sits up higher – and 4wd as well. So, I think he’ll be okay.

Remember my motto . . . I live in Alaska – I make my own fun.