Daily Archives: December 22, 2011

Today was the shortest day of the year. Alaskans may now rejoice to see a sliver more of the sun each day.

As I was buttoning up the computer for the night one of my past flickr posted pictures popped up – winter frost on late summer’s grass. It’s a shot taken some years ago. Suddenly I realized what I have not done for the last several weeks: I have NOT gone out at lunch time or before or after work just to take pictures. It really is unlike me.

I can only suppose that I have been in a doldrums of some sort – most likely caused by the lack of sunlight – and aided and abetted by a great deal of workplace stress. I need to see the SUN!!! I need for the winds to quit blowing and for the clouds to part and for the SUN to shine down on me.

Lots of Alaskans cut for warmer climes about this time of the year. I know of a number of people who are spending the winter schoolbreak in Hawaii. Sadly most Alaskans cannot afford either the time away from work – or – the money it would take to do such a thing.

Last night’s Anchorage news talked about SAD lights and vitamin B and such. I never think I need either, but looking back at the past week I might want to rethink that. My body is telling me something. For one thing, I fell coming out of the courthouse last week – on the workday so covered by workman’s comp, but that doesn’t lessen the embarrassment of falling on my keister in front of the young assistant district attorney or the equally young public defender. They were both so sweet and kind in making sure I got up and into my car okay. Nothing broken – according to the xrays – only a sprain. Of course, sprains can take longer to heal and I’m not getting any younger here.
Then I discovered that falls on keisters are often followed by colds in the head. Yeah, I have no clue how they’re connected, but there you have it. I actually missed more time from work with the cold than with the sprain.
🙂 People aren’t afraid of catching your sprains, you see.

So, maybe my body is telling me something. Maybe I need to slow down a bit and take some time for myself. Maybe I need to get the camera out and take a lunchtime cruise along some back roads to get some wintertime shots. I just need to make sure I have my cane with me and to be wary of icy spots.