I dabble at writing, but am no author. I have no byline, no book on a shelf. I worship at the throne of those who can and wonder, why not me? I read, forget, read again, and forget anew. I write of winsome things and heartfelt joys and pains; then wonder who reads, forgets, reads again, and forgets anew. I have words pounding in my skull that spill onto laptop, onto paper, into hearts. But still I know. I dabble only. I cannot write. I can only pour out my soul – for me. Where’s my pen? I must write.

A reversal of the Trifextra Challenge. There are at least three lies there. And at least one truth. 99 words – because lies take so many more.

5 responses

  1. Mel says:

    You are a writer, and a beautiful one at that!

  2. Jester Queen says:

    And you ARE a writer. Just like all those other people who claim they aren’t writers just because they haven’t been ‘published’.

  3. JannaT says:

    I like the reversal. I kept wanting to write three lies and one truth. Maybe it’s just easier for me to lie? 🙂

  4. Pouring out your soul – isn’t that what’s it all about?
    Thanks for joining us again. Come on back for the next challenge tomorrow, please?

  5. Writing is a means of expression. As long as you let your words pour forth as they speak in your heart and mind, then you are without question a writer.

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