Ask no secrets and I’ll tell you no lie.

I was out with friends.

I always come home to you.

You’ll never know how much I love you.

It was only one time.
33 Words for the Trifextra weekend challenge: 3 truths and 1 lie.

It was an agreement we made in the earliest days of our forever. We would never lie. We would be honest.

7 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    Of the four, the third line is the only one that to me would be truthful in a deceitful relationship.

  2. Olddognewtits says:

    Only happened once. Yeah, right.

  3. JannaT says:

    The lie and truths blend so well, I can’t tell which is which.

  4. Trifecta says:

    Thanks for linking up to Trifecta this weekend, Barbara. I love your short response, and I’m rooting for number four to be the fake. Maybe it was zero times. 🙂 Hope to see you back again soon.

  5. Jester Queen says:

    Oh my. I’m thinking two lies, or else he picked up a lover while out with friends.

  6. Frelle says:

    great response in such few words!!

  7. Sandra says:

    This one still keeps me guessing… So, did you lie?

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