Mary bowed her head. “Yes, Mother.”

She arose and walked to the door.

Her penance was in the acceptance of her fate.

Mary would hang up her habit and leave the convent forever.

Take two on the Trifextra challenge word: Mother. There may yet be a sentimental post. Cogitating.

12 responses

  1. Shawna says:

    “Her penance was in the acceptance of her fate.” … Whew. That’s quite a line.

  2. JannaT says:

    Ooh, I hadn’t thought of mother in this sense. I like it!

  3. Chelle says:

    Love the play on words. Very powerful!

  4. You took a completely different route for the word’s use, but you got there in grand style. Well done on both! These will definitely get special notice 😉

  5. Mel says:

    That is not what I expected. Great twist. Very well done!

  6. What could her offense have been? Interesting.
    Thanks for playing. Come back Monday for the new prompt.

  7. Oh, what a different take.

    Which could be the penance – being in the convent or out of it?

    I am intrigued by this convent. Did it turn out a ‘sinner’ or a saint?


  8. Oh, I do not know if I used ‘turn out” correctly here. Blame my non-native tongue.

    I meant “throw – out”, dismiss…whatever. :-))

  9. barbara says:

    Imelda — turn out is a perfectly acceptable phrase. 🙂

  10. Sandra says:

    Another great use of ‘mother’, one that I hadn’t thought of, and is completely different from your #1!

  11. Go, “Mary!” Grab your guitar. The kids are decked out in the drapes waiting by the lake for you right now. And hurry because that blonde heiress bitch is trying to steal your man. Plus, you know, the Nazis are coming!

  12. Jester Queen says:

    It sounds very much like Mary doesn’t want to go, like she considers the convent her haven.

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