You Mother (beep)er!

“Cut! Dude, you cannot say that!”

Don’t tell me what I can say on my own mother (beep)ing show! It’s MY show!

Producer: “Howard, you’re fired. It’s my show now.”
For this Mother’s Day weekend those motherly editors (lamenting added gray hairs caused by the trifectans) challenged us to write 32 words and adding MOTHER within for the requisite 33 words.

Now, I’m as sentimental as most Moms and truly expect my children (both mothers themselves) to call/text me, but my mind went totally into left field on this one. I may write sentimentally, too. We’ll see. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.

11 responses

  1. Sandra says:

    My mind went the exact place you went: that bleep was the first word I thought of when I read the prompt. Good on you for writing it!

  2. Oh, such arrogance. Serves him right! 🙂 It will be nice if producers stand their ground and not get intimidated by a successful and popular talent.
    This is a good reminder to those in the industry.


  3. Libby says:

    So, funny! That use of mother on Mother (bleepers) Day! LOL!

  4. Now I’m going to think of this when I see yet another America’s Got Talent promo! Very clever.

  5. JannaT says:

    This is hilarious! I wondered if someone was going to do ‘mother bleeper’. I can’t say anything nice about Howard, so I’ll just take my grandma’s advice and remain silent 🙂

  6. Chelle says:

    Too funny!

  7. Mel says:

    HAHAHA! Nice!

  8. Diane Turner says:

    Hilarious! I’m laughing, too, because the first thing I thought was no one would dare do the mother bleeper thing. Hooray for you!

  9. Funny how all you had to say was Howard and we were all there. I guess in other generations you could’ve said Richard, George or Dice. 🙂

  10. Trifecta says:

    Thanks for linking up! One editor may or may not have said to another editor that she’d quit if at least one Trifectan didn’t come up with the Mother-bleeping expletive she was looking for. 🙂 That editor knows the Trifectans well. Thanks for going there. I love the edgier side of the Purple Moose. Happy Mother’s Day.

  11. Jester Queen says:

    Oh no! He got bleeped even off film. I can’t imagine if I had my own personal bleeper following me around. That individual would have one sore thumb in about an hour!!

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