Her face brightened whatever room she entered. And, she entered those rooms in style; a nod to everyone and that smile, lordie, that smile!

I was taken with her the first time I saw her. The smile didn’t always reach her eyes, but on the days it did we all felt bathed as if from the hand of God Himself.

My question to her was answered slowly, thoughtfully. “You know? You can’t keep letting it get you down. I just flick it off my shoulders and carry on. You all are my strength. You all are why I can smile.”

This is for Lance’s 100 Word Song challenge. This week the chosen song is OK Go – This Too Shall Pass. I loved the video that goes with the song. Check it out – and come join the challenge.

4 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    What I would give to be able to “flick it off my shoulder.” Most of the time I would be put off by perky people, but this ray of sunshine seems very genuine.

  2. Jester Queen says:

    “How do you keep that smile so bright?” I’ve known people like that, with infectious laughter and a million watt smile.

  3. Debbie says:

    I alternately love and hate people like this. Love being around them because they do change the atmosphere hate them because I can’t be that way and I’m jealous.

  4. Cameron says:

    “You all are my strength.”

    That’s it in a nutshell, isn’t it?

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