Wide open throttle
Wind rushing through tousled hair
First ride of the year

LouCeel does Haiku Friday!

You can tell when I am missing my motorcycles . . . I wax poetic. I started riding – let me back up – I bought my first motorcycle two days after oldest granddaughter was born. (She’s now closing in on 18) I *learned* to ride over the next few weeks – continuing on through the years as I grew into bigger versions of my first bike. Sold the last two about 5 years ago or so. Yes, I miss them. But it was time. And, fyi I wore my helmet so no tousled hair for me. Just a bit of poetic license.

2 responses

  1. Tara R. says:

    As my husband and I close in on the Big 5-0, I tease him that we need to get matching Harleys and hit the road. So far, he hasn’t taken the bait.

  2. Patti says:

    The fantasy of riding, wind in my hair, sounds very appealing. But the reality of a bunch of idiots propelling their three-ton boxes of steel all around me scares the fantasy right out of me.

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