It wasn’t the first time they’d sought shelter. Katie and Michael shivered, listening to things hitting the floor above.

“It won’t be much longer, Katie. We’ll be safe again soon.”

Then? It was too quiet.



Trifextra’s weekend challenge: Complete the following story in 33 words:

‘It wasn’t the first time.’

(The five words are not to be included in your 33 words)

17 responses

  1. FKC says:

    This is really excellent and I think the only entry I have read that is not “romantic” in nature. Really evokes the holocaust for me. That’s a powerful 33 words.

  2. SCARY! Well-done!

  3. Anna :o] says:

    So sad for Michael…

    Anna :o]

  4. FKC says:

    Since when have I been other people, missy??

    P.S. Why my linky no clicky?

  5. Imelda says:

    oh! I am sad for both of them. I can feel Katie’s fear and loss. Very nicely done.


  6. Mel says:

    Oh my goodness, that made my stomach drop. What a horrifying event you captured in 33 words. Well done, as usual.

  7. sandra Tyler says:

    Gosh, there are a lot of cliff hangers this week!

  8. Tara R. says:

    This made me jump.

  9. Lance says:

    Repeating his name while the horror happens off screen. Excellent.

    This is just outstanding

  10. brenda w says:

    Eerie and intense.

  11. JannaT says:

    You conveyed her growing fear/panic well.

  12. I assume he went off to get a snack?

  13. Libby says:

    Makes me want to read more…

  14. Lilian says:

    Nice one! Quite effective.

  15. Trifecta says:

    Sorry for the late comment here. I really enjoyed this. I love reading your posts each challenge, because I’m never sure what I’m going to get. Your writing runs the gamut from sentimental family moments to. . .well. . .this. I love it. Thanks for joining us.

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