Daily Archives: June 1, 2012

It wasn’t the first time they’d sought shelter. Katie and Michael shivered, listening to things hitting the floor above.

“It won’t be much longer, Katie. We’ll be safe again soon.”

Then? It was too quiet.



Trifextra’s weekend challenge: Complete the following story in 33 words:

‘It wasn’t the first time.’

(The five words are not to be included in your 33 words)

Wide open throttle
Wind rushing through tousled hair
First ride of the year

LouCeel does Haiku Friday!

You can tell when I am missing my motorcycles . . . I wax poetic. I started riding – let me back up – I bought my first motorcycle two days after oldest granddaughter was born. (She’s now closing in on 18) I *learned* to ride over the next few weeks – continuing on through the years as I grew into bigger versions of my first bike. Sold the last two about 5 years ago or so. Yes, I miss them. But it was time. And, fyi I wore my helmet so no tousled hair for me. Just a bit of poetic license.