Ready, Mama?

I’m ready, Sonny. How ‘bout you, boy? You ready for the road trip?

Sure, Mama. Let me get your valise.

Don’t forget the picnic basket, Sonny. You know we get fainty when travelin’. Careful. Don’t break the pickle jar.

I’ll be careful, Mama. Mind your step, now. Step here on the running board. I’ll help you up.

Where’s my hanky? It’s hot today. Sad we had to come home to bury Uncle Samson, but good to see ever’one.

How much longer, Sonny? Are we near there yet?

Soon, Mama, soon. Set yourself back now and enjoy the ride.
VV’s 100 word challenge this week was “Road Trip.” I like it so much that I not only wrote this piece, but chose to write haiku with Lou using the same phrase. Two different stories, though.

I love to just pick up and head out the door for a road trip. When I had my motorcycle it would take me 72 miles to get to work . . . 4 miles away. (I sometimes ended up 100 plus miles away from home and had to call family to let them know I was okay. Trust me – I was OK!)

These are my 100 words – where are yours?

4 responses

  1. Arctic Wren says:

    You always paint such a strong picture with so few words. Again, very nicely done!

  2. “You know we get fainty when travelin'” – my favorite line.

    Seems you, Tara, and I need to plan a road trip together some day. 😉

  3. Tara R. says:

    I really like this reversal of roles. I do love my road trips too.

  4. Deana says:

    I enjoyed this.. Well done.

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