Category Archive:Moosin Around

The saying goes: a bad day fishin’ is better than a good day workin’ – and yesterday was such a day. We took three of the boys fishing at a nearby lake. Great fun. Some pics are posted on fb, but I thought I would share some here as well, since not everyone is (gasp!) on fb. Click on the thumbnails for larger views.

The boy in blue stays with the grands during daytimes, when his dad is working. Izzy got the biggest catch, when he caught his ear while casting. Didn’t even break the skin and was properly ministered to by Gramps and me. He proceeded to catch the first fish – HIS first ever and was inordinately proud of himself. The other two boys also caught several, most of which went back into the lake. They each took home a fish, however, helping to feed the family.

We caught a bit of grief later from the two youngest girls, who were not at home when we picked up the boys, because they had not gotten to go. Gramps, properly abashed, will be setting aside time to take them in the coming week.

Such a beautiful day – we only left (after 4 hours or so) because it was getting too crowded to be slinging lines with hooks around. There were a lot of people splashing and swimming, and others boating or playing on other watercraft. Time to skeeeeedaddle.

HubbyMoose and I took a mid-week jaunt to the big city up northwards and I did manage to take a couple of pics. But only a few.

We thought the shadows on the mountains were lovely. The blue skies and the mountains are lovely anyway, but that bit of shadow made it nicer.

The Lupine are in full bloom, and I think I saw some wild roses, too.

This last is just for fun . . . SNL anyone?

Riding down the open road
At speeds past (mumble-dy 3)
The sights, the smells are closer
Than ever before to me

Invigorating, as powerful horses
Thrum beneath my feet
The ground so close you could
Almost taste the passing street

Smelling the smells of spring
Time and time again
Wild roses, white clover
The pavement after rain

Seeing the vistas spread
Side to side รขโ‚ฌโ€œ in front of me
Swivel head for safety and
Taking in all I could see

I miss it now that I no
Longer can take part
My motorcycle and I will
Ride forever in my heart
posted for VV’s weekly 100 word challenge: Invigorating.

I started riding when I was 44, having purchased my first motorcycle the day after my second grandchild, first granddaughter, was born. (biker gramma) I rode that bike for over 10,000 miles, then moved up to a larger bike, then a larger bike still. I rode well over 75,000 miles on those three bikes. I miss them, but had to quit when my hands refused to cooperate any longer. Now I write wistfully of riding.


Hubby moose called – I figured he had forgotten something at the store and wanted to let me know. Instead I heard a hushed voice “there’s a mama moose and twins eating dandies in the front yard.”

Oooooooh goodie! I grabbed the camera and went through the garage, opening the door very quietly. I could see hubby moose sitting in his rig in front of the neighbors house. He would wait to come into our driveway, not wanting to scare the babies off and make mama mad – thus allowing me plenty of time to shoot away.

I have a video posted on facebook for those who know how to find me there. It is too large to put here (silly word press) – so I’ll share a couple of pics. Such cute little redheads. Likely the same ones we spotted Sunday after church.

click for a slightly larger view

Couldn’t you just pick em up and hug em?

NO!!! Sillies! As cute as they are, they are WILDlife. We don’t mess with the wildlife. We take PICTURES, but we don’t mess with em. That can lead to disastrous situations. When I leave each morning for work I check to the right and left before exiting the garage. Many Alaskans have had to call their workplaces to say they were going to be late due to moose – or bear – in the driveway, or yard, or roadway. We have to wait until they are done doing whatever they’re doing to go about our merry way. And, trust me – these critters take their sweet time.
But, then, so do we. Remember, I live in Alaska – I make my own fun.

Trying to get sleepy enough to sleep through the night – last night was rough. Hubby had a restless night full of tossings and turnings and snorings and snufflings . . . and I did the unforgivable – I looked at the clock! Argh! That, of course, meant I was unable to go back to sleep. So I got up, made my way to my chair and rested there, falling asleep just as my phone alarm went off. Typical.

So, while I am trying to be sleepy enough to go to sleep and stay there until 6 a.m., I’ve added two sub-pages for my pleasure. Maybe you will enjoy as well.

First – Crafty Moose: I want to track the amount of knitting I do in 2012, and this seems like a good way to do it. So far this year I have completed several hats and two scarves. On the needles I have another hat and a gift for one of my friends whose birthday is next week.

Second – Moose Browse: the names of books I have read in 2012. I read a lot . . . but I would like to slog my way through (and pass on) the huge pile of books collecting dust. So I am challenging myself to read – and list the books. So far, 4 for the year and I am reading a 5th.

Next week I am taking annual leave to celebrate my birthday. I hope to sleep in at least on Monday (best laid plans and that). I really should clean my house (nahhhhhh) one day. On Wednesday I am volunteering for Homeless Connect (where I will donate the hats I’ve made). The rest of the time? Yarn and books are crying out my name. I intend to answer.

So, go on over there to the right and click on the two new sub-pages and let me know your fave books or knits. Enjoy with me.