Category Archive:trifecta

We were so young
Wet behind the ears
Out to change the world
Change the minds around us

Wild in our abandon,
We danced in the parks
Barefoot and fancy free


That was the word
We used to describe ourselves
Who we thought we were
Who we wanted to be

What we were
Was our parents
In junior form

Oh, we tried not
To let them rub
Off on us

They did

We got it all

We became them
As they had become
Theirs before

Wild and free
War torn and careworn
Not so wild after all


ahhh those wild, wild editors at Trifecta challenged us this week to find out where the WILD ones are. 33-333 words using WILD in its third definition. Apparently I’m in a 100 word groove as that is the word count on this piece. How many wild words do you have?

Rod leaned on the counter pleading. “It’s Mom’s 86th birthday. I have to be there tonight.”

The clerk listened, nodded, repeated: next flight is 2:30 a.m. You will have to wait until then.

After looking several times at the picture provided to us by those photogenic Trifecta editors, I noticed way in the dark background a young man leaning on the counter. Hmmm, what is HIS story? Thus these 33 words. I imagine there is much more to tell.

No, Janelle. Really. It’s no trouble at all. I can watch the counter for you and run my reports, too.

Sharon was surprised at the sarcasm dripping from her own tongue. Her coworker didn’t seem to notice and Sharon breathed a sigh of relief. Trouble comes in many shapes and sizes. Letting it get in the way of her workaday world would not be wise.

Taking over work for another was really not a problem, although it could be a challenge to switch brain gears from her own job to the other. Nevertheless she could rise to that occasion more quickly than switching gears in her private life. At least the work situation was temporary.

Changing life gears would be more challenging, but achievable. Nobody need know until she was ready to share.

Not sure when that will be, Sharon mumbled.

What? No, Ma’am, I’m sorry. I was talking to myself. How can we help you today? Janelle? She’s on a break. I’m happy to help you find what you are seeking. No, it’s no trouble at all.

Working at the upscale boutique had been one of the things Mark liked about her. He liked the opportunities to rub shoulders with designers at the many cocktail parties. “I’m bringing my portfolio tonight, Sharon,” he’d say as they dressed for a party. It was over her objections that he did so again and again. Janelle never let her live it down during the week following each party.

“Mark is sure eager, isn’t he?” she’d snipe at Sharon. “Tacky of you to let him bring the notebook,” she’d go on. Sharon would nod, trying not to let it get to her. Later she would breathe heavily into the mirror, mouthing the conversation she wished she could have with Janelle.

Which to dump first? Mark or this job? Sharon heard her Mom: “You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, Sharrie. You don’t need anyone. Go out and get them.”

Mark then. She dialed his number.

It’s TROUBLEsome, but the feisty editors at Trifecta challenged us to write 33-333 words on trouble. This is a bit longer than I generally write, but Sharon needed her say. Who are you speaking for today?

Mary bowed her head. “Yes, Mother.”

She arose and walked to the door.

Her penance was in the acceptance of her fate.

Mary would hang up her habit and leave the convent forever.

Take two on the Trifextra challenge word: Mother. There may yet be a sentimental post. Cogitating.

You Mother (beep)er!

“Cut! Dude, you cannot say that!”

Don’t tell me what I can say on my own mother (beep)ing show! It’s MY show!

Producer: “Howard, you’re fired. It’s my show now.”
For this Mother’s Day weekend those motherly editors (lamenting added gray hairs caused by the trifectans) challenged us to write 32 words and adding MOTHER within for the requisite 33 words.

Now, I’m as sentimental as most Moms and truly expect my children (both mothers themselves) to call/text me, but my mind went totally into left field on this one. I may write sentimentally, too. We’ll see. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day everyone.