Category Archive:trifecta

Marty liked keeping them guessing: wearing clothes fit for a man or woman; a body that was slender, but muscular; crossed legs demurely at ankles or (sometimes) at a manly 90 degree angle; gray hair cropped cleanly.

Marty’s voice was gravelly, the product of too many years smoking cigarillos. That could also be the reason for the creases scored deeply into Marty’s face. Years of wind, sun, and hard living added to the aged, but ageless, face looking back from the mirror across the bar.

Marty seldom left with another person. When someone had the balls to guess – or ask – on which side of the fence Marty rode the answer was short, sweet, to the point, and no-nonsense: “I’m an enigma. Got the nards to find out?”

That generally put an end to the conversation. Marty would raise a finger with nonchalance to the server and a beer would appear. All was right in the world Marty traveled.

Have you ever walked into a room – a bar, the train station, your pick – and wondered “is that a man or woman?” Did you then decide it was nonaya? (That is, none of your business.) Yeah, me, too. Here’s to the Martys in the world – godspeed and safe journey. I love your right to be an enigma.

Trifecta tossed down yet another challenge. The above is my answer. Where is yours?

I dabble at writing, but am no author. I have no byline, no book on a shelf. I worship at the throne of those who can and wonder, why not me? I read, forget, read again, and forget anew. I write of winsome things and heartfelt joys and pains; then wonder who reads, forgets, reads again, and forgets anew. I have words pounding in my skull that spill onto laptop, onto paper, into hearts. But still I know. I dabble only. I cannot write. I can only pour out my soul – for me. Where’s my pen? I must write.

A reversal of the Trifextra Challenge. There are at least three lies there. And at least one truth. 99 words – because lies take so many more.

Ask no secrets and I’ll tell you no lie.

I was out with friends.

I always come home to you.

You’ll never know how much I love you.

It was only one time.
33 Words for the Trifextra weekend challenge: 3 truths and 1 lie.

It was an agreement we made in the earliest days of our forever. We would never lie. We would be honest.

Moira waited backstage while the opening act prepped the crowd. She loved the sound of the cloggers’ taps and the responding thunder from thousands of feet in the audience. “It gets to me soul, Padraig, it gets to me soul.”

Giving her a peck on her cheek, Padraig Mullan waited for her benediction, a rub on his bald pate, then ran out to greet the crowd.

“She’s coming, boyos. She’s soon here, lassies. The finest soul in Ireland is waiting to meet you, to t’rill your hearts. Tell her how much she means to you, now. I give to you the blessed voice of an angel; the one and only MOIRA!”
those darlin’ editors at Trifecta have given yet another challenge. This time we are to write 33-333 words using THUNDER in its third definition. 111 words is multiply-able (is, too, a word) by 3 giving 333. (clever, ms. moosie, clever)

I’m Irish by descent and a lover of Irish music and rhythms. Moira speaks to my soul, darlin’ Padraig.

thun•der noun \ˈthən-dər\

1: the sound that follows a flash of lightning and is caused by sudden expansion of the air in the path of the electrical discharge
2: a loud utterance or threat
3: bang, rumble [the thunder of big guns]

Here are a few more viewpoints for the 33×3 Trifextra Challenge. Thanks to those who commented. I cannot say I understand exactly what goes on in anyone’s brain . . . but I have heard many of these comments.
Prosecutor: Defense attorney says his client wants a deal. They all do. Can’t admit their own actions caused this. They just want the easy way out. I hate this part of the job.

Defendant: Bitch deserved it! If she hadn’t talked back I wouldn’t have had to slap her. Damn cops always arrest the man. She’ll be sorry when I get out of here. Not guilty!

Victim Advocate: I can only sit here and hold her hand. God, she’s shaking! Wish I could tell the jury the other stuff this perv has done to her. She deserves much better.