I was so into telling you about his truck I totally forgot to tell you about his mouth. 😉

Seems young sir has been listening to mommy and daddy words – his tonal inflection was spot on, too, btw. We had a tough time NOT laughing – NOT overreacting – NOT correcting. Because we have been there with our own and know that the bigger deal made about it, the more the words will be said.

but it was tough – I had to clamp my hands over my mouth – and that is tough when you are driving at the time! Little dickens.

Plain as day . . . his mama didn’t quite believe us because she has never heard him say that three word phrase before. But I will attest to his clarity of speech. Don’t let that boy get frustrated. lol


3 responses

  1. Lessa says:

    hahahahah! at least the tonal inflection was spot on his MOMMA’s mouth, not his Aunties! *grin*

  2. Heather says:

    Now you’ve got me curious because I can’t figure it out! What was the phrase?

  3. […] In other news . . . tomorrow is little Potty Mouth’s first shopping day with us since this episode . .  Ladybug, Paw-Paw is working on another project tomorrow, so we will see if we can arrange to take the little guy shopping this evening, okay? […]

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