
Toe Tappin’ Kinziebug

aka “Toeboe”

This week’s Brookston Photo Challenge is a woodwind instrument with an extra point if it is a real one. Extra points for humor – I’m trusting that the shot of Kinzie holding up cousin ‘Raiah’s (Raiah Rocks!) clarinet will bring a smile to all of you. I was going to call this entry “Toeboe” which would have been perfect if the instrument had been an oboe and not a clarinet. Ah, well. Toe Tapping Kinziebug works just as well. The clarinet was too heavy for her to support, and we all laughed at her inventive answer to that problem.


The Girl (seen on the Flickr Bar) loves the clarinet that her daddy got for her. She is learning a lot in 6th grade band and hardly ever squeaks. But, even sweeter is that she enjoys sharing it with her little sister and her cousins. Buglet especially likes to toggle one key while The Girl plays – he loves to hear the warble that he can make by doing that. Surprisingly each one of the kids – TAT, D-bug and Buglet all got sound (!!!) out of the clarnet when they tried. Well, the Buglet didn’t get as much out of it when HE blew into it, but Kinzie is a natural.


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