
I would have entered this into Inspiration Challenge’s Multi-colour contest – if only I had gotten the shot before that challenge was closed. 😉 Nevertheless, there is our youngest grand-boy playing in the ball pit at his sister’s therapy place. It was her therapy graduation day and while she was off working, he was exploring the rest of the rooms. This was a happy circumstantial shot and, yes, it is being printed out for the wall of my office. I have one frame that I continually change photos in – it faces the door, so many of my coworkers stop by to see the newest. (I’m printing a copy for you, too, Ladybug)

Doesn’t he look like he is having a ball? (pun intended).

On the health front – I saw my doc yesterday. It is time to renew my bp meds, so an appointment is necessary. While there we talked of my continuing fatigue. It is not a good thing, I’m thinking, to fall asleep at my desk at work, or in front of the computer (work or home) or to nod off in my chair at night for 2-3 hours and then still be able to sleep through the night. Apparently the doc thinks so, as well.

Sooooooooooooo – $376 later (big sigh) I have been poked and prodded and ekg’d and have had blood drawn for a variety of tests, as well as a finger stick to check for (gasp!) diabetes. I was under the limit for the latter, so he says that is not a problem for the moment (it was a tad high, but under his limit). The ekg looked good, according to the nurse, although I unfolded the paper while waiting to pay the aforementioned huge sum, and noticed that “sinus bradycardia” was printed at the top. Hmmmm, just googled that and I’m not sure I like what I see – lesson to all – don’t google medical jargon as it will likely scare ya. Anyway, if he has a problem with that I’m sure he’ll let me know. I have a heart murmur that he is watching, so this will likely be added to the list. I do note here?under “a.” that this can happen with training athletes. While I am no athlete, I do work out each day, either by walking at a church gym nearby or by riding the stationary bike. I had ridden the bike that morning before seeing the doc – so . . .? maybe that is what caused that.

Anyway – we also discussed the chronic sinus (nasal this time) problems I’ve been having. Guess it’s not really normal to be sick off and on for several months with recurring sinus drainage and lung congestion, either. So, I came home with another prescription to hopefully kick that in the chest so to speak. 😉

For all intents and purposes I’m as healthy as I can be. Hubby reminds me that it could just be that we are getting older. So glad he said “we” – I laughed and said “I know YOU are, but what am I?” hahahaha. Only funny because I am a week older than he is.

I get an extra day to rest, though. Monday is a state holiday – Seward’s Day – and our agency is on the state holiday schedule for the most part. Then on Tuesday, I’ll only be working 1.5 hours – I have my yearly evaluation with the director (dum-de-dum-dum). Then two days in the office and Friday at the local job fair with agency information.

OH! And, I was interviewed by the newspaper for a t-shirt logo contest we are running for our annual Run for Women. Hopefully that will garner some entries. It’s for area high school students and I have spent quite a bit of time visiting classes, speaking with teachers and students and emailing or calling with reminders. Still no entries. And, I gave them 3 months, too. Maybe too long, but I don’t think so. I think our high schoolers are just so danged busy with SCHOOL work (gasp!) that they don’t have time for the extras.

So – that’s me for today. Now I am off to fold some towels fresh from the dryer and probably to take a little snooze in my chair.

And, Lessa is off in Anchorage taking a special class this weekend. Which means that Ladybug has the girls and the Boy is at home with Sacha – two doors away from us where we can keep an eye on him and take him out for his birthday dinner. 😉 pics to follow.

2 responses

  1. ODILIA says:

    oh no!!! it’s beautiful!!!!!

  2. barbara says:

    thanks, Odilia. He’s a very photogenic baby. 😉

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