Monthly Archives:May 2006


A Piece of Meat

Scavenger Hunt Challenge #2, Week 8 of 13
Week beginning 5.20.06
Photos Due by 5.26.06
2 pts. if the meat is cooked and ready to eat.
3 pts. if it will feed more than one person.

Okay – it’s still on the hoof – but, honey, let me tell ya. That’s some good eatin’ crossing the road right there. Yum! Moose chili, moose roast, moose burger, moose meat loaf, moose sausage . . . . salivating now, aren’t ya?


– – – - Flip-flop – flip-flop – up and down the hall all day long. At least 3 co-workers today were wearing sandals that, because there was no ankle strap, flopped off their feet with every step. Okay – we’re pretty casual here. Several in admin. wear capris to work. Capris and flip-flop dress sandals.
– – – -  And, of course, being as they are sandals, they are worn withough hose or socks. So, actually what I am hearing is a “squoosh” or “thwock” of the person’s flesh each time I hear “flip-flop.” It’s a veritable concert: flip-squoosh-flop-flip-thwock-flop” up and down the hallway time and time again.
– – – -  OMG! Glide, people glide! Let’s not be elephantine! Let’s be gazelles . . . is that too much to ask?
– – – -  Does anyone reading this think that it is time for the Moosie to have some time off? Yeah, me, too. 😉
– – – -  So, the director had 2 interviews today – the position “closed” yesterday. Hooves are crossed. (and, btw, thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday’s post. I appreciate the words and hugs)

– – – -  photos and more behind the cut . . .

They’re not just for breakfast anymore . . .

Extreme stress at work – it would really help if I could get to my office at LEAST one day a week to work on the stuff I am actually paid to do. Still no receptionist so I am stuck. I don’t really mind it on most days.

Last week was a bit different and by Thursday I was fraying at the edges. There was a confrontation with a co-worker that should never have happened. It escalated much too quickly – and I am not going to point fingers – let’s just say it should never have gotten to that point.

Her supervisor called me the next morning. It would have been better if she (the coworker) and I could have talked it over and gotten things settled. I would have preferred that and told her supervisor that.

Yesterday I received a letter from the co-worker showing me just how much she was upset by the whole thing. I admit my dander was raised by reading it and all I wanted to do was strike back. There was not much fairness in her take on the situation. The blame was fully laid at my feet. My fingers itched to type a 10 page expose on just how I felt about HER working relations with everyone up to and included George W.

So I did the prudent thing.

I went to the restroom and cried privately.

Then I typed an apology and cc’d it to her manager (as she had cc’d her letter to me) and placed them in the manager’s mail slot – where they will be picked up this morning.

Sunday evening I shared some of my hurt with a trusted friend at evening services. I didn’t tell her the whole story – well, I hadn’t gotten the letter yet, so couldn’t tell her the WHOLE story – but she just smiled her sweet smile and said . . .

Life is a lot like pancakes – no matter how thin you make them – there are always two sides.

Pretty sage words and I took them straight to heart. Maybe that is what helped me not answer the way I really wanted to answer. She had promised to pray for me, so I KNOW that helped me not answer the way I really wanted to answer.

Not sure of what – if any – repercussions there will be. There is little I can do at this point. Little except smile at this coworker the next time she comes to our building and pretend it never happened – go on from there –

Late yesterday afternoon (after all the angst and such had passed by) I finished reading the daily papers (part of the receptionist’s job, believe it or not) and came across Lynne Curry’s column. I copied it and put one in the co-worker’s manager’s mail slot. Yesterday I felt like “There! I’m just like that guy – did you ever consider that there might be stuff going on in my personal life that is causing this?”

Today as I type this I am thinking to myself “There! She’s just like that guy – Moosie, did you ever consider that there might be stuff going on in her personal life that is causing this?”


You are finally as old as your cousin, TAT. And, I know that makes you all kinds of happy, huh?

Love you, gorlie!


Guess I really can’t complain because the family is not writing much these days, hmmm? Looks like it has been since Saturday for moi, after all.

Busy and rough week at work. I have now worked 4 (FOUR!!!) weeks as receptionist with only a few hours here and there at my own desk. We readvertised the position and it runs until the 23rd so that means I will be there at least through the 26th. If the boss hires someone by then I will have to oversee the training.

And, for some reason (gee ya think?) I have had an emotional and rough time of it the past couple of days. Feeling a bit under/unappreciated, I would guess. Added in to the stress of needing to get to my desk to work on a project that I am presenting in June!

So – still no takers for receptionists in Alaska? Come on people – I will even put you up for a (short) while as you get settled in. 😉 You get the beauty of Alaska AND of the moose, too. What more could anyone ask? hahahahahahahahahaha

So – bought a ticket the other day for hubby’s buddy (was our best man 37 years ago) to come visit. This should almost go under the category of MEN! at this point. I have never seen more angst and ineptitude on the part of two (supposedly) grown men over getting that ticket. First, they “looked” (uh-huh, sure, right) and could NOT find a ticket for the chosen dates. Couldn’t get him here on mileage (well, yuh! I TOLD you guys that needed to be done a month or so ago) and they just threw up their hands and wahhhhed about it.

I went a-searching. ANYthing to hush them, you know? Found cheap enough tickets online that I told hubby – IF I sold one of the motorcycles (I had two in the garage that were mine) that I would front some money for a ticket. Latched on to that like babies to milk, I tell ya. I did say that I wanted at least half back because I don’t believe that anyone should expect a free ride, you know? If you wanna come visit – make an effort, at least. So that was agreed upon before the bike was sold and before the ticket was purchased.

The second person to look at the bike brought the cash. PurpleMoosie is a happy moosie – her baby is going to be ridden instead of being cooped up in the garage pining away everytime the other bikes were taken out for an airing. Yay! And, to a new rider who will treat her lovingly. Yay! again.

Ticket searched for and purchased. Sent the information via email to the address hubby gave me for his buddy. Buddy says “I haven’t seen it. Send it again.” Sent the info again to the same address. “I haven’t seen it, yet” I hear. FINE! Check the email address and make sure you gave me the right one, because if you didn’t someone ELSE has all of that information!

It took nearly a week before they could figure that I had indeed sent it to the right email address and he finally has said that he received the info. Lord knows where it went before he got it. I even used a coupla other email addresses of my own to send it from – just in case he had my address blocked.

So, indeed . . . MEN!? . . . times two. At loose in Alaska. Be afraid – be very afraid.

I will see little of either of them, I’m sure. Remember that big presentation in June? Yup, the same time he will be here. So I’ll probably only see them when it is dinner time.

So – guess I did have something to say, after all. Sorry it was rambling and complaining. But, hey, even a moose deserves to do that once in awhile, huh?
