lizard top pnklzrds

These are the Lizard Kid Mittens by ozbambi – made for the next Sharing Our Gifts project. While the pattern did not call for it, hubbymoose decided the lizards neeed tongues. Everyone who has seen them agrees.

Easy and fun to make.

2 responses

  1. Super cute. Love the tongues.

  2. Gramma2many says:

    Very cute mittens. I think the tongue adds to the look also.
    I am one of those used to live in Alaskans. Anchorage for 11 years. A daughter moved up there in March of 09, first to Kotzebue and now in Dillingham. They went up with Alaska Commercial. They are loving bush life. Tricia was born up there, and says she feels like she has returned home. I went to Kotz in September and the deep love for the state returned immediately. There is just something about the state that others do not know unless they experience it. We have thought of returning, but had to put the thought aside as all of the grands are down here, except the two who are now living in Dillingham.
    Enjoyed looking at your blog, especially the 100 things. I had at one time thought of being a nun, but did not for the same reason. Even used the same expression when I tell (some) people why:)

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