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Continuing on the A-Z April challenge (and trying valiantly to catch up) I give you the letter C.

Chance, change, choice – or maybe Chia pets?

Many people like to play games of chance – a friend is heading for Vegas soon and will likely contribute to their school district. That’s what I did when I visited several years ago.

I take chances on things all the time – will I make it through the intersection before the light turns red? Will my ticket win if I enter the latest raffle this or that organization is holding? We all do that type thing.

but . . .

There comes a time when you have to make a choice about a chance you might take by changing something.

Hubby moose works for just about minimum wage for a non-profit. He gets no benefits. I work for a non-profit and get some benefits (sick leave, my insurance coverage, etc.) However I must pay for his insurance coverage. Currently it runs a bit over $1000 a month. That’s $12,000/year. We each have a $1500 deductible and then there is that pesky 80/20 thing. So if we don’t USE the insurance we are out of pocket to the tune of the $12,000/year. If we USE it that climbs to about $20k/year.

The fiscal year ends June 30. I’m told that even though we don’t know the figures or percentages, we KNOW the costs will increase this year (exponentially is the term used by our bookkeeper today).

So, I’m wondering what changes we can make to save money. And dare we take a chance by no longer paying for hubby’s insurace coverage. Nope, not a chance of that. So, change it will have to be.
