Dan – is your RSS feed going crazy???

via LisaRob Borsellino: Despite sickness, life seems worth staying around for

worth the read

And, congratulations, Lisa for completing your third year smoke free. I remember the first days, weeks, months after you quit. It was like going through it again with my hubby, who has now been smoke free for 13 years!

We do the same thing you did the other night – after being saturated with s.m.o.k.e. we both come home – shuck the smelly clothes – scrub ourselve – and then re-clothe in non smelly clothing. Isn’t it weird that we don’t smell it when we are surrounded by it – when we or our loved ones have it coming through our/their pores?

Nowadays it hits me even harder, especially when I am recuperating from some bronchial malady. The agency’s smoking area is right outside my office window. The window is NOT sealed properly (old building – built with grant monies/volunteers = air leaks). Try as I have, I cannot get the smoking staff to QUIT. Nor can I, apparently, convince the powers that be to move the smoking area away from the building – like next to the dumpster. Sigh.

Can’t even open my window for a breath of fresh air – the butt thingy is always smoking because the butts aren’t properly put out. Sigh!

But, hey . . . CONGRATULATIONS, Lisa!!!! I am ever so proud of you. and, CONGRATULATIONS, Mr. Moose. Your habit was a 37 year habit – I am inordinately proud of you!

And, the rest of you – do your lungs, your heart, and your loved ones a favor, witll ya? Just say NO to tobacco. That stuff kills.

(said as the Moosie contemplates the as yet unopened packages of Easter choccies – just say no, Moosie, just say no)

It ain’t me, babe . . .

For the past few years I have been the State Ambassador in Alaska for a women’t biker organization. Previous to that I was a Chapter Director locally for the same organization. A couple of months ago I received a form letter notifying me that I was no longer the SA, thanking me for my service to the organization, etc. Signed by the president. My name wasn’t even on the letter itself. It was a (poorly) photocopied letter.

I haven’t been able to find out since who the new SA might be. The former president, who also lives in Alaska, was unaware of my changed status and has no clue either. I’ve just fired off an email to the current president to request a name so that I know who to point new members to – I still get a few emails from lady bikers requesting that info.

It’s okay – I was ready to move on anyway. But, I thought it was a poor way to do it – poor way to handle such business – that’s why it has taken me so long to contact the new president. Now that I am (hahahaha) over my little snit, I can ask her who the new SA is. I’ll be interested in the answer, as I have my suspicions. 😉


You know what? It’s dangerous to keep this computer on while I am in a thinking mode. I open my brain and it all seems to come tumbling out. Don’t mind me, folks. All is well in PurpleMoose land. I think I must be feeling a bit better or something. At least my mind doesn’t seem as foggy as it has been. I’m thinking it’s going to be a good week at work.

Except . . .? I have this 11 a.m. appointment with my boss tomorrow . . . for my annual evaluation . . . I always sweat at those things . . . I’ll be scored on a 1 to 3 basis, with one being REALLY bad and 3 being REALLY good. Last year I got more 3’s than 2’s and I have NEVER gotten a 1. A 1 would be a BAD thing. 😉


hmmmm – McD’s has a blog?! Oy! Must remember to tell Lessa – she graduated from . Burger University (heh)

cleaning frenzy – dusting (ah ahh ahhh CHOO!) and vacuuming and (finally!) putting up pictures that have been lying around already framed and waiting.

Whatever will come next?????


one responses

  1. dan says:

    Could be! Is it hammering at you? Please let me know. Thanks!

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