
Can you tell I have the day off? (It’s Seward’s Day)

ANYway – above you see The Boy with “THE HAT” at Rosita’s Friday night. THE HAT comes out whenever someone is celebrating their birthday. As we are pretty regular customers, the owners don’t mind if we are off by a day (or week) or two. The Boy, of course, celebrated his birthday in D.C. with me and his classmates. So, while mama was away, we took advantage of the time and celebrated homestyle.


He wanted me to take this photo – “look, Gramma! They gave my soda to me in a BEER glass!” Thinks he’ll fool his mama. Yeah, right. It was beer, all right – ROOT beer. 😉


. . . which he downed quickly. 😉

and, then . . . the pic of the night – sorry for the shakiness – the Boy and the server, Miss Cheesey Smile herself:


He was ALL grins after that pic was taken. Again, Boy,